Janet Palmer Counselling

About Counselling. jpalerheadshot.jpg

What is Counselling?

Counselling is a way of exploring your thoughts and feelings with the support of another person.The counsellor will help you to clarify your thoughts and feelings,and to become more aware of thoughts and feelings that you may have.
The counsellor may help you to see patterns, or repetitions, in your thoughts and feelings,that may be affecting how you go through life.
Sometimes, it may be helpful to look at things that have happened in your past, to see how they are affecting you now.

Individual counselling focusses on you, and how you can grow and develop.

It takes place in a setting that is private, and where confidentiality is respected.

While counsellors differ in their approach, generally counselling involves the client and the counsellor sitting together for a certain amount of time (for example 50 minutes), on a regular basis, such as once a week. This can go on for an agreed period of time, either a few weeks, or for longer. During this time, the client can speak as much, or as little, as they wish. The counsellor will support and encourage the client to become aware of their thoughts and feelings, with the aim of of helping the client to gain more understanding of themself, and to use this understanding in their life.

What conditions can counselling help?

Counselling can help in a range of conditions where your thoughts and feelings, and your reactions to your experiences, are involved.
This can include experiences in the present, recent past, or from a long way back in your past.
So Counselling can be helpful with anxiety, depression, and relationship issues whether with family, partners, or friends.
It can help you to look at difficult past or present situations, such as where bullying or abuse may be involved.
It can help you look at feelings of stress in different situations, including work, or the difficulties of balancing competing demands in your life.

If you would like to discuss whether Counselling could help you, please feel free to contact me by telephone or email.

What benefits can be expected?

Counselling can help you understand yourself more clearly, and help you understand how your experiences have affected you.

Using this awareness, you can make choices in your life that are more satisfying.

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.
Samuel Johnson


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